Usable and Secure
End-to-End Encrypted
Medical Image
Link Shares
[en] [de]
Until May 2023, I wrote my master thesis at the
Chair of Human-Centered Security at the
The master thesis was the last remaining examination for my second degree Master IT Security - Networks and Systems.
It was about sharing medical images online. I have developed a method to do this end-to-end encrypted.
These E2EE Link Shares are even more secure in terms of their confidentiality. Only those who have the login credentials can view them. Even service providers and attackers in the event of a data leak only see ciphertext.
Three thematic blocks
The master thesis has 3 thematic blocks:
Feasibility of
E2EE Medical Image Link Shares
Can end-to-end encrypted Medical Image Link Shares be made possible? How?
I discuss the economic feasibility (obstacles and solutions) and show the technical feasibility (concept, architecture and algorithms).
Security analysis
What security properties do end-to-end encrypted Link Shares have - also in comparison to patient CDs and existing Link Shares?
I use a STRIDE Threat Model to identify existing threats and identify countermeasures where necessary.
Patient Perspective
How do patients experience and evaluate the different approaches to handing over their medical images?
I conduct exploratory qualitative interviews with patients who have received patient CDs and/or Link Shares.
Proof of Concept Demo
Directly start the demo of the end-to-end encrypted viewer (password: 01.01.1900)
Threat Model
(status of submission)
Progress of the interviews
This is the current progress of my interviews for the patient perspective topic.
Accepted: 5/5Sequel follows...?
I would be happy to provide more information about the content upon request.
June 2, 2023